10 February 2013

#4, #7, #8, #9 of my 29 faces in 2013

# 4 is four faces.four feelings.

#7 is hombRAY created by my husband, worn (and picture taken) by me

 #8 happened after I took a painting one of my kids made and drew/wrote on it.  I was pleased with how she turned out.  I like this one a lot.

#9  this is  me.  This is a self-portrait that I took today immediately after my 12 mile run.  I am hot and sweaty and gross and in a whole lot of pain, but gosh, I was (and still am) elated that I managed to run 12 today!  Woo!!!! 

Okay, now I'm only behind 2 days... I'll catch up this week.  
blessings! and joy!
nicole mArie