30 January 2012

Let's (ALL) go to the gym

On Thursday, when my alarm went off at 5:20 a.m., I looked at it and turned it off. I decided to lay back down and think about if I really wanted to go to spin class at 6. I thought. I made a choice.
I chose to reset my alarm for 6:20 a.m. so that I could make it to the gym to do my run — a run was actually in my training plan for the day. The spin class was an “extra”. When my alarm when off at 6:20 I looked at it and I turned it off. I totally stayed in bed. I didn’t run early. I decided that since the kids were all feeling well that I would simply take them to the gym to play while I ran on the treadmill.
hahahaha read that last sentence. I wrote “simply take them”.
It took me an hour and a half to get us all out of the house — a big part of that was trying to remind Max that yes, he does like to play at the gym. Yes, I am going to exercise while he plays and that I would just be in the next room (sort of). Yes, he can put gas into the cars at the gym, and yes, I would come back as soon as I finish exercising.
When I actually got them into the playroom after saying hello to the buses parked below the parking garage, and after pressing all the wrong elevator buttons, and after greeting the mannequins in the gym lobby, I was bracing myself for an outburst of, “Don’t leave me mom, please stay and play with us!” Guess what? I had to chase all 3 of them down to snag kisses before I went to run. Who would have thought?
The run wasn’t difficult. It was just 30 minutes while concentrating on my cadence and my form. I am trying work on a faster foot strike — It seems that I strike about 80 per minute and it would be beneficial if I can up that to 90 or 100… Let’s see how I progress!
This article helps to explain what I was working on:
Blessings! and Joy!

Yes! I am a runner (in training).

Hi, Everyone!
On Monday morning, I start a 15 week journey ending with the 2012 Pittsburgh Half Marathon on May 6th! Yes, really :) and I want you to come along with me!

My first day of the first week of my training commences tomorrow morning! I am really excited, and scared — most moments, the excitement outweighs the scared part of me :)

I am writing to ask for your support during this journey — be it by your words of encouragement, kind thoughts and prayers for my health (no injuries, no injuries, no injuries), or if you are able, support for my charity, Women’s Choice Network. It is my goal to raise $1310 for them (since I’ll be running 13.1 miles), and I hope that you will visit my fundraising page for more information. I am humbled and honored to be running for those who would not have had the resources to care for themselves and their little ones if it were not for organizations like WCN.

I’ll be writing about my training process, and of course, about my three little darlings ;) here and hope that you follow along, too!

I think that’s all! Blessings! and Joy!