03 January 2013

A reason to run (and train!) :)

(For those of you who have already viewed this as an email, sorry for the duplication.  It took a long time to write out, so I'm getting the mileage out of all.these.words.)

Hi, Everyone :)  

First, Merry Christmas to you, on this, the 12th day of Christmas!  Also, a Happy New Year, too! 

I'm trying to get all of my ducks in a row so that I can start training today.  (I like that it's 1.3.13 ;)) An email/blog is my last "duck", I think.  Woot! 

Last year, as many of you know, I ran the Pittsburgh Half Marathon and raised money for Women's Choice Network.  I never would have managed to cross the finish line without your kind words, encouragement, and prayers.  I never would have been able to raise more than $2,700 without your help.  We did these remarkable things together. *high five for you and your generosity* I am still humbled by the 13.1 miles and the total funds raised.  I am hoping that we can work together again this year :)

What's different: 
I am going to train for the FULL marathon.  All 26.2 miles. Yes, really. A few years ago I woke up one morning and thought that it would be cool to finish a marathon. (What?!) This year seems to be the year to do it. The littles are less little, and I have a better understanding of what is expected of me while I'm training and preparing.  I do want to be completely honest and real with you, my friends and family -- my partners in this.  I am nervous and freaking out.  I know that I have the ability to make this happen. I just have to put in the work. Do the work. Live the process.  Love the process.  See and be the someone beautiful -- or the someone crazy (it depends on your view point) -- that happens when the race is over. I hope that by telling you this, by throwing myself into a place where others know what I need to do, by being accountable to your donations, that I'll dig in deep. in deeper. and run. and run. and run. 

I'll be blogging again about my journey. (See!  What did I tell you? Blogging now :P) The blog is a bit easier to find this time around.  Just go to nicolemariearts.com.  Bookmark it, or pin it, or something it ;), and you'll be able to read about the good days, the bad days, and about the crazy days ;)  I offer pieces of my messy.beautiful life in words for you here. 

or here: crowdrise.com and search for "nicole post".  My personal page will pop up and you can donate :)

In the middle of February  I get to "check-in" with WCN and let them know how fundraising is going -- I'd love to give them a big, fat, fantastic number.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating.  I absolutely appreciate your generosity and kindness, and know that they will, too. :)  

You were an important part of my journey last year, and I thank you for that.  If you weren't able to journey with me last year, or if we are new friends this year, I hope that you will  chose to journey with me :)  

Blessings! and Joy!
nIcole mArie


  1. I can't wait to read of your journey through training, Nicole! SO excited for you!! and Merry 12th Day of Christmas to you and your family :)
