In other news, completely unrelated to training, we had a lovely St. Valentine’s Day party this week. 15 or 16 moms in total were here, and so were 27-ish children Yes, really. It was a lot of fun. I took a few pictures with my phone as I don’t currently have a real camera (I’ll post them below). I just knew that I wanted to document the crazy wonderfulness that happened. The table scape was fun and easy and inexpensive to come up with, the food was awesome as some of my guests brought the yummiest snacks to share, and I was reminded, again, just how much I love the excuse to have a party and celebrate life — this time, LOVE — with friends and family.
It was really great this year to celebrate St. Valentine’s day with the little boys (Grace, too, but she didn’t have any idea what was really going on. Next year she will). They were so excited for the big party we were going to have, they were so excited to mail valentines to our family and to our friends — they were SO specific about which card to send to each person (they picked the cards out, it was a hilarious undertaking . M picked Spiderman and B picked Kung Fu Panda). I LOVED how much they wanted to share their love. It reminds me that I need to be that excited to share my love. What awesome teachers I have!!
Mu spirit is energized by people, and goodness, and beauty, and joy around me. The women who were at my house — ahhh, yes — these women are kind and honest, and share in this goodness and beauty of spirit, and joy. They have so many different gifts to share and I am thankful to have them in my life, in the life of my family. It is a gift to have them, and their darling children, to my home. Now if I could just keep my home orderly so that I could have them more often… but that’s another post (or many posts), for another time.
Blessings! and Joy!
Nicole mArie

I liked the use of ribbon from the chandelier,
but check out the blue painters's tape on the chair back ;)
hahahaha rough little boys = broken chair

Valentine wrapping for Daddy/Husband inspired by these Printables -- I didn't manage to cut the banners out
so I wrapped with parts of them instead.

My new friend, Colleen, made these super cute and fun heart treats!

This may be my favorite picture -- check out the number of baby carriers ;)
A few to the left are missing from the picture.

mmm...yummy food.

Valentines for the kids. Goldfish were perfect for toddlers and my little boys call hershey kisses "fishy kisses".
Of course, we needed to add those to the bags :)
Bag toppers were al la aka my new friend Natalie

Bookmarks for Mamas via Pintrest -- totally simple and cute! I found a tutorial online for ya here.

Table scape :) with Carrot raisin muffins
Thank you, Natasha for introducing them to Max!

Little boys writing their valentines :)

As seen from the street.
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