BLUE: Marathon training took a backseat to other stuff in my life recently. Yesterday was the first day that I ran/worked out in 7 days. My grandfather had heart surgery and then he had a stroke, and it's just been messy. Prayers and good thoughts for him and the rest of the family would be really wonderful.
MAGENTA: I've fallen in love with Redbull. Seriously. I've been drinking my husband's Redbull and it's awesome. Aldi sells "red thunder" which, for the price (2.99 for 4 cans), is equivalent but Redbull has more bubbles. I'm a carbonation kind of girl.

<------ This is what it looks like so far. When it's complete, I'll post it :)
YELLOW: This conversation actually happened:
M: these guys are going to walk on water (gesturing to his toy superheroes)
Me: well, actually, Jesus is the only guy who has ever walked on water.
M: what?
Me: Jesus, he's the only one who's ever walked on water.
M: wow! awesome. so cool.
PINK: While at storytime yesterday my daughter found it appropriate to say, loudly, "Put me down right now" more than one time. Seriously? Have I mentioned that she is very independent and sassy? Well, she is. And no, I didn't bow to her statement. but yes, when I did put her down, she found 3 stuffed puppy dogs that she claimed as her own and carried them around until I had to pry them out of her tiny arms.
ORANGE: I am finding inspiration to move forward in my "creative arts" sort of business-sort of blog-sort of etsy shop-sort of life-living. I've been part of a "Right Brain Business Plan Summit" the last two weeks and it's been amazing. I've gotten a whole lot of great ideas from fantastic speakers who are actually living their creative lives in so many beautiful ways. I'm energized and excited for what's coming in my own creative life-living.
GREEN: and this just arrived in my mail! literally, just arrived.
I won the little canvas in the front, and then it came in that fantastically decorated envelope! Thank you, Amy! You can find her at RubyMoonArt! :D
Happy Friday, Everyone!
blessings! and joy!
nicole mArie
RED: OH! Also, I am still fundraising! I humbly ask if you are so inclined to consider donating to me for Women's Choice Network! Let's empower these women! Click the widget in the side bar ---> or simply click right here!
That's funny, I've also been following that right brain business plan summit. Indeed very interesting speakers .... Looking forward to seeing your painting progress.