Be a Runner of Steel. I've been trying to concentrate on this because if you looked up the definition of emotional in the dictionary you would find this:
1. Nicole Marie
oh? yes.
How so? Well, it depends on the moment of the day. Currently, I have a knot in my stomach, I am nervous, terrified, worried, and stressed. This is also mixed with a little bit of excitement and the reality of Sunday morning.
Oh, that's it? Yeah, that's all.
1/2 Marathon is on Sunday! Yay! I really am excited, but all of those feelings mentioned above, yeah, I feel all of those feelings, too. I know that I can do this, I know it. I am just worried. What time should I get there in the morning? what do I wear? Do I bring another set of clothes for afterward? Will my husband make it to the finish line in time? Will he find a parking spot? Will I eat enough before the race? Will I fuel properly during the race? How sore will I be after the race? How much will I end of walking? Can I make it in the pace I want to make it in? Will I injure myself? Will I be happy? Will I cry? How many people will pass me? Will it be cool enough? I sort of want 50 degrees -ish or 60 degrees and rain ;) I'm ok running in the rain. Can I really be a Runner of Steel? Will I do it?
Happier thoughts:
My goal of $2620 was reached last Friday around 4:30pm. Woo!!!! If you have not donated yet, and would like to do so, you still can right here. Donations will be accepted through Sunday. Please help out if you can!
You can track my progress, if you'd like! Automatic Facebook posts will show my split times, tweets will be tweeted -- @nicolemariearts is my twitter name, or if you'd like, you can receive texts to find out where I am and how I am doing. Sign up here.
Interested in the course I'll be running? Check out this animation, it's pretty cool :)
There are a bunch of neat things to explore on the Dick's Sporting Good Marathon website, go and visit.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers these next couple of days. I really am excited, even if I am experiencing pre-race jitters ;) I just wanted to be honest with you all. It is what it is.
Okay, okay, I am ready to be a Runner of Steel. Thank you for helping me get this far. We've only got 13.1 miles left to go!
Blessings! and Joy!
nicole mArie
You are AWESOME! Run for you and run for the mamas and babies. Cry at some point- this is an amazing undertaking!
ReplyDeleteWe will be praying all weekend.
Run, Nicole, Run!
Thanks, Sue! I appreciate your encouragement :) and prayers!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou can do this! STOMP on that finish line- you earned it!!
ReplyDeleteps. that animation is pretty cool. I haven't seen that before.
I will be thinking of you!
We are so proud of what you have already! accomplished. The race itself is the culmination, but you have defeated inertia, self-doubt, discouragement and fatigue many times already now. You already are a woman of steel.
ReplyDeleteMuch love.
We're praying for all the runners!!! look for all of our friends running for Dirty Vagabond MInistries, too. I'm sure you'll see them amidst all the thousands of runners, right??? LOL
ReplyDeletePraying for beautiful weather and for all your excitement/anxiety to be channeled into a fabulous run! blessings!
ps there's a marathon mass and dinner at st. alexis in wexford Saturday eve at 4pm. with the bishop! I'll be there even though I'm not running ;)