30 January 2013

good morning, pink sky. good morning, pittsburgh. it's a good day for a run.

I took this earlier today... around 7:00 am, I think.


blessings! and Joy!
nicole marie

25 January 2013

we have not met the needs of women

Many people are posting on facebook and on their blogs about the Prolife March that's going on in DC today. I guess that is what brings this sort of post from me, too, today.

The words below make sense to me.  They reflect many of the reasons that I am running for Women's Choice.  I think that, as a nation we have failed women, and that women DO deserve better.  

Let's be better for women, let's be compassionate, let's be full of love, and let's support these women who need our support.  

Perhaps you can help me help these women via WCN and our fundraiser

blessings and joy,
nicole mArie

"We also should seek a comprehensive review of the reasons that drive women to abortion. Every day that goes by with the needs of some pregnant women unmet is another day marked by thousands of abortions. Although Americans are deeply divided on abortion, there is no disagreement that the number of abortions needs to be reduced. What is missing is a woman-centered plan to accomplish that goal. 

Many women lack the support of their family or the child's father, they lack the resources that would allow them to combine work and child rearing, or feel forced to choose between their education and their children.

We need to listen, to hear women and create a comprehensive, step-by-step plan to systematically eliminate the root causes that drive so many women to abortion -- primarily the lack of financial resources and lack of emotional support.

We need to engage those in higher education, healthcare, technology, corporations, small businesses, the entertainment industry, government and the media to help redirect the debate toward positive outcomes for all concerned. Men should be welcomed to the table. Most importantly, we must listen to the women from all walks of life, especially those who have personally experienced the tragedy of abortion, and those facing an unplanned pregnancy...

...Pregnancy care centers need funding to assist women to follow through on a life-affirming choice -- whether that involves married parenthood, single parenthood, extended family or co-parenting options, or adoption." 

The full text can be read here

24 January 2013

shadows from the fall

For some reason, I never actually posted these pictures... they've been sitting here as a "draft" since October.  This was one of our last days outside without bundling up in jackets.  We had a tremendous time laughing and running in the leaves and blowing bubbles and walking on our shadows :)  

this was the best I could do to get us into the shot together

I was like, dudes, stand by me for a picture, and they were like, ahahahaah nope and continued on *laughs*

Mama, you see the ducks?! We do!


"She is so far away, get her! gO," said the biggest, who is my worrier. We all chased after her and she laughed and laughed at her little game.

A. Wonderous. Afternoon.

Blessings and Joy!
nicole marie

22 January 2013

a gift of love.

Hi, All! 

I'm currently at $422 and think it would be nifty to hit $500 today! Are you willing and able to help me out? 

Your donation is a gift of love. Love begets love, and these mamas and babies need our love, and our respect, and our compassion. Help me, help them? 

You can use the widget to the right of this post ------> 

or click on this link

Much love from me to you.
Blessings! and Joy!
nicole marie

18 January 2013

on this journey, you are here. too.

Two nights ago I asked facebook to find me a gym buddy ;)  While I didn't find a gym/running buddy (near enough to me), I found people who wanted to help (or be that gym/running buddy if they lived closer).  My friends offered help via skype or texting or via a wake-up call in the morning.  I know the coolest people and I am so.glad. for my friends.

Simply because of this encouragement (and a text message at 4:30, and my daughter waking me up at 5:40 looking for milk --which we did have, by the by), I found myself up and out of bed yesterday at 5:45.  I was at the gym by 6:10 and got a 5k in. Woot!  I even hit the chapel for quiet time with Jesus after the run. Woot!

This weekend, well tomorrow, I am scheduled for a 7 miler and I am a little nervous about it.  Okay, a lot nervous.  I didn't start my training plan on time, and it had been a while since I ran more than a couple of miles, so my long run last week was hard. It was difficult, just as it should have been for a person who hadn't put in the work for it. sigh. But I'm in this.  I'm going to keep working my training plan for 26.2 miles. I'm going to keep moving forward, even if I do it really really slowly ;)

What I have on my side:
I am running for wonderful, beautiful, and brave women and their families.
I am accountable to my organization, WCN, and to the people who are donating to my charity.
I have the advantage of knowing what it feels like to run Pittsburgh (okay, some of Pittsburgh) because I ran the half  last year. I already know what it feels like to cross the finish line.

Thank you, friends, for offering your encouragement.  Thank you, friends, for being excited for me when I posted to facebook, "5k and jesus before 8am. Woot!" Thank you, friends, for journeying with me. This sort of support is incredibly motivating for me.  It helps me. You help me, you makes a difference :)

Thank you to those of you who have donated, or who are thinking of donating.  Women's Choice Network is a fantastic organization, and the women who need their help need our help. You are instrumental in family preservation, you are instrumental in educating these women so they can care for their littles, you are instrumental in getting real help for real women in a life-affirming and empowering ways.  Please help me rock this fundraising so that WCN can rock their good work :)

I'll let you know how the run goes tomorrow!

Blessings! and Joy!
nicole mArie

17 January 2013

the (not so) perfect. IRL. moments.

I know that from time to time when I read blogs I imagine that what I read about is their reality. All of the time. 
Perfect houses, perfect crafts, perfect children, perfect everything. HA 

I now know and understand that the information shared by these perfect bloggers is not a complete picture of what their lives IRL looks like. (What I is share is not a complete picture of mine, that's for sure!)

The perfect people with the perfect families, and perfect houses, and perfect craft projects aren't always so. very. perfect. 

I want to share a teeny glimpse into a recent afternoon I lived.  This is one of the moments that mothers often tend to NOT speak of.  You  know, the moments that we live often. The very  reality of what raising little people does look like. This, perhaps, is a moment that I should want to choose to forget but I can't because, well, it is just too darn funny.

(for context: he was upset because he was tired, and because I gave him a turkey sandwich that was of the carved Christmas turkey variety and not the deli turkey variety. ) 

I hope that you laughed, too.  Gosh, how I love this little boy so!

Blessings! and Joy!
nicole marie

11 January 2013

Christmas, in new ways, this year.

Christmas, this year, was different.
Christmas, this year, was smaller than other years.
Christmas, this year, was still as beautiful as it ever has been, but for different reasons than years past.

My little family didn't have many places to rush to this year.  We didn't have houses so completely full of people that we all felt overwhelmed or unable to visit with those people who were filling said houses.  I know that I felt comfortable, and pleased, and blessed to share my Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the people who I did get see and visit with, though I did miss those who were unable to celebrate with us, too.

After a trying 4 pm mass on Christmas Eve for my well behaved and mannerly tired and cranky children, we went to my maternal grandparents' house for a traditional (to us) dinner of kielbasa,  potato salad, ham, and baked beans. :) Oh, so good. We've been eating this meal on Christmas Eve and also on Holy Saturday for as long as I can remember. I wonder if it tastes so good because we do only eat this twice a year?  Either way, yum-o. We spent the evening there and it was lovely. It was quiet because some family members couldn't make it, but still, it really was lovely.

We "did" Christmas morning at our house with our children who were so very excited to wake up to a few presents and a trampoline! (Which, btw, has saved my couches and them from my admonitions in the short time that it has been in our house.  It looks ridiculous in my living room and will eventually get moved, but gosh, it's a brilliant idea [Thank you Aunt A and Uncle K for being brave enough to do this first!] and child energy steal-er. win. super win.)

Then we went to my mom and dad's house for brunch with my immediate family. We spent time together, all of us: my parents, my brothers and my sister-in-law and their son, my husband, and our silly littles. It really was relaxing and fun to just be. to not rush. to just visit and laugh with each other. to be. together. Yes, together. We don't often end up together, not all of us at-the-same-time-in-the-same-house-in-the-same-room, because we seem to have crazy lives, but when we do find the moments to be together, and I allow myself to soak them in (them: the moments, them: the people), they (the moments) can be wonderful (because of the people).

Our late afternoon/evening was spent with my husband's family.  Fewer people were part of that celebration than usual, but again, it was still wonderful.  It was also calm. Oddly, calm is a relative term as there were 11 beautiful children running around and full of Christmas! What I found to be so very beautiful, this year especially, is that I don't just view them as,  "my husband's family" anymore. They are just another part of my family. They are just my.family.too.  I love this. They are a part of the whole that I call family. His sisters and brothers-in-law are just that, my brothers and sisters. They are just mine. They love just me. I love just them.

My family, in it's whole.ness, is messy.  Even in the messy (and there is much mess), it is still beautiful. and it's mine. all mine. and for this gift, the gift of my whole family, I am thankful. I know that I am blessed.

I learned, in new ways this year, that family can't always be all together. For this reason or that, every single person can't show up to all of the places all of the times. Sometimes family members find themselves apart because of sickness, or because of weather, or because of the many miles in between, or perhaps, because of conflict.

I learned, in new ways this year, that if family members are apart, to accept the distance and love from afar.

I learned, in new ways this year, that it's also about being able to make the choice to love those in your presence more deeply. More fully. More gracefully.

I learned, in new ways this year, to appreciate those in front of me in ways that I hadn't previously.

I learned, in new ways this year, that my darling children and my husband can bring me Christmas Joy not just on Christmas day, not just during the season of Christmas, but on any of the days. on all of the days. I just have to choose to see it. To see the joy. That's the secret, I think. The choice, the seeing. The act of choosing, and the act of seeing. When I do choose, and when I do see, I am overwhelmed with grace.

Be overwhelmed with grace.
Blessings! and Joy!
nIcole mArie

06 January 2013

Two boys and a doll (or two).

My little boys had been dragging American Girl dolls around the house for a while.  They had been taking care of them, loving them, feeding them, dropping them, and tangling their hair.  You know, all the usual stuff. These dolls are meant for our little girl for when she gets older.  My aunt gave them to me because he daughter had grown out of them.  I don't mind that the boys were playing with dolls, in fact, I love it. I like that they were exploring their nurturing side, learning to take care of someone else through play, and role playing "dad".  This was/is an awesome way to prepare them to be well-rounded, caring, and compassionate men. 

Fine, great, dandy, right? Well, if you know anything about American Girl dolls you might also know that I cringed every time the boys would drop them, or tangle the hair, or touch them, really.  They are quite an investment and I really want them to be in good condition for when Grace is old enough to appreciate them and play with them. 

It was my mission for Christmas to find baby dolls (of a reasonable price) to gift the boys so that they can, in fact, still play "dad" to their "babies" (and then hide the American Girl dolls away for a few years). I had hoped to find boy baby dolls, not because little boys can't or shouldn't take care of little girl dolls, I just thought that it might be nice for them to have boys since we'll forever have girl babies in the house for little girl and it would be nice for them to be able to identify with a boy baby doll. Holy cow, it's not an easy task to find boy baby dolls that don't cost a lot of money! 

So this is what I decided to do. 

I bought two of these for $10 each.  Cute. Sweet. Super pink, decidedly little girl dolls...

 ...and turned them into these. Super hero. Camo wearing, little boy dolls :)

I found the clothing at Joann for about $7 and found the mask and cape sets at Walmart for about $5.  I am really happy with the $22 baby boys. Easy-peasy makeover of sorts!  (perhaps it's only easy-peasy because they don't have hair or actual anatomy...)

The boys have played with the boy dolls and think that the "super babies" are great! YaY!  Funny enough, I've found them taking care of Minnie Mouse as Grace carries around the twin boys.  hehehe What's important to me is that they all want to take care of someone else. Maybe this super-kindness towards the baby dolls will carry over to kindness towards each other, right? Perhaps? Maybe?  :P

So yeah, that's the story of how and why we have boy and girls babies in this house. One of these days, maybe we'll get  a baby with some hair...  

Blessings! and Joy! 

nIcole mArie

03 January 2013

A reason to run (and train!) :)

(For those of you who have already viewed this as an email, sorry for the duplication.  It took a long time to write out, so I'm getting the mileage out of all.these.words.)

Hi, Everyone :)  

First, Merry Christmas to you, on this, the 12th day of Christmas!  Also, a Happy New Year, too! 

I'm trying to get all of my ducks in a row so that I can start training today.  (I like that it's 1.3.13 ;)) An email/blog is my last "duck", I think.  Woot! 

Last year, as many of you know, I ran the Pittsburgh Half Marathon and raised money for Women's Choice Network.  I never would have managed to cross the finish line without your kind words, encouragement, and prayers.  I never would have been able to raise more than $2,700 without your help.  We did these remarkable things together. *high five for you and your generosity* I am still humbled by the 13.1 miles and the total funds raised.  I am hoping that we can work together again this year :)

What's different: 
I am going to train for the FULL marathon.  All 26.2 miles. Yes, really. A few years ago I woke up one morning and thought that it would be cool to finish a marathon. (What?!) This year seems to be the year to do it. The littles are less little, and I have a better understanding of what is expected of me while I'm training and preparing.  I do want to be completely honest and real with you, my friends and family -- my partners in this.  I am nervous and freaking out.  I know that I have the ability to make this happen. I just have to put in the work. Do the work. Live the process.  Love the process.  See and be the someone beautiful -- or the someone crazy (it depends on your view point) -- that happens when the race is over. I hope that by telling you this, by throwing myself into a place where others know what I need to do, by being accountable to your donations, that I'll dig in deep. in deeper. and run. and run. and run. 

I'll be blogging again about my journey. (See!  What did I tell you? Blogging now :P) The blog is a bit easier to find this time around.  Just go to nicolemariearts.com.  Bookmark it, or pin it, or something it ;), and you'll be able to read about the good days, the bad days, and about the crazy days ;)  I offer pieces of my messy.beautiful life in words for you here. 

or here: crowdrise.com and search for "nicole post".  My personal page will pop up and you can donate :)

In the middle of February  I get to "check-in" with WCN and let them know how fundraising is going -- I'd love to give them a big, fat, fantastic number.  If you are willing and able, please consider donating.  I absolutely appreciate your generosity and kindness, and know that they will, too. :)  

You were an important part of my journey last year, and I thank you for that.  If you weren't able to journey with me last year, or if we are new friends this year, I hope that you will  chose to journey with me :)  

Blessings! and Joy!
nIcole mArie

Yummy. Pretty. Celebration.

Check that  ^  out! 

On New Year's Day, I made a St. Basil's Cake for family.  His feast day is actually today, but there were more people to celebrate with on New Year's Day ;)
I found the cake and the story and recipe on Lacy's blog.  I read this post last year, bought the Knox gelatin so that I could make the cake, and never did.  I am glad that I managed this year :)  

Below are the pictures that I remembered to take during the process.  It's super easy.  
Make 4 types of jello, chill in separate containers,  cut into cubes/ pieces, then throw it all into a pan, bowl, etc.  I chose a spring form pan. 

 (this is sweetened condensed milk + 2 cups of hot water and 2 packages of Knox gelatin)

 See how pretty it is after I poured the milk over the colors!  
Refrigerate for about 2 1/2 hours.

 The topping is heavy whipping cream all whipped up with vanilla and powdered sugar to taste. Lacy's recipe called for knox gelatin to make the hwc more firm, but I didn't have the time for that.  It worked fine without it.

 yummm. I didn't make the first cut because the grown ups in the house got to the cake even before the kids, so this is the best picture you get ;)  It had fantastic reviews!  

Totally make this cake for any reason -- if you and your littles need to brighten up a dreary winter day, this could be something fun for you to do with them.  
The littles will love it and so will all of  your grown ups, too!  

Blessings! and Joy!
nIcole mArie

Check out Lacy's blog for the exact recipe :)

02 January 2013

Christmas Offerings

These are the Christmas offerings  for my husband's team at work.  It only took my until the 11th day of Christmas to get it together ;)

(Here, I'll also mention that my Christmas cards will finally get into the mail tomorrow.)

For them, I baked pumpkin bread (family recipe).  It's all wrapped up in super fun character tins that my mom gave to me!   How cute are these?

This is a fun tray of cookies and goodies that I hope they also enjoy!

Merry Christmas, on this, the 11th day!
Blessings! and Joy!
nIcole mArie

01 January 2013

for you and your families, this:

(Picture taken at the Pittsburgh Oratory Chapel)

blessings and joy and so.much.grace for you and your families this new year.

nIcole mArie