23 October 2012


This is a wonky looking post tonight because I'm tired of moving the pictures around.  The gist is that we made a mess today.  We painted our pumpkins.  It was an adventure.  The littles had a tremendous time, and I found out that I really want to be "that-artist-mom-who-laughs-at-messy-little.people-and-allows-them-unhindered-creativity" I am not. I was freaking out because Max mixed blue into yellow paint. And then Grace dropped pink on the floor, and got some on her clothes.  I was laughing at myself struggling with the mess, so I eventually joined in a bit and painted on paper (as I didn't have my own pumpkin), and then we put handprints on the wall ;)  Perhaps I'll rearrange this all tomorrow.

Until then, Blessings and Joy! nIcole mArie

19 October 2012

These Players Playing. These Helpers Helping. Heal These Kids. Extra Life.

Update (10.22.12):  Team KBMOD has now raised 47,701 and some odd cents! They will likely hit their target of $50,000 before fundraising is over in November.  This is a team of 102 players...they came in 2nd to a team of 761 players who raised $76,000 something... Not too shabby, Team KBMOD, not too shabby! Woo!

Watch this video.  This is one of my husband's good friends.  Let him tell you why he is playing for the kids.

Rock it, Jon :)

Yesterday, I mentioned a blue table full of computers.

It's not full yet, but will be in a couple of hours.

Check out the projector.  That's to monitor the live chat.

Gaming starts at 9pm tonight.
Guys are excited.

Energy is high in the house.

They are thrilled to reach their $50,000 goal.  Let's get them there.

Play games. Heal Kids. Extra Life.

Blessings! and Joy!
nIcole mArie

18 October 2012

Play Games. Heal Kids. Extra Life.

Last year my husband was the captain of a team that raised well over $35,000 for sick children around the world.  They raised the money by playing video games for 24 hours straight. 

This year, my husband and his friends and all the rest of the team are hoping to raise $50,000 during this 24 hour period and it looks like they can actually do it.  

Think about this:
11 (or 12) twenty-somethings sitting at a bright blue table in my cold cinder block walled basement lined with their own computers playing with and playing against each other while live-streaming their games to raise money so that sick kids in Children's Miracle Network hospitals around the world might have some respite during their hospital stays.  Rock it, boys.  Rock it.  

Bob and a few friends are trying to scramble to get our basement together and prepared for Saturday -- last night they were clearing the space of our (my) clutter, and running electricity to have extra lights downstairs.  Tonight they run Cat 5 cable so that, well, I don't exactly know what it's for, but it's something computer related ;)  Perhaps to get everyone on the Internet.  idk. 

I honestly couldn't be more proud of or excited for my husband.  It's wonderful to be married to a man who cares so deeply for others, and that these others are sick children.  I love this about him.  It's awesome. 

Please consider donating, even the smallest amount, for these darling sick children.  They could use some laughs and some fun. Will you help them with that?  Click the badge below. 

Blessings! so much jOy!
nIcole mArie